longed for him|long for him in English

desired him, missed him very much, yearned for him

Use "longed for him|long for him" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "longed for him|long for him" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "longed for him|long for him", or refer to the context using the word "longed for him|long for him" in the English Dictionary.

1. She longed for the chance to speak to him in private.

2. 16 Was perversity, that I longed to talk to him?

3. Long holidays hold no attraction for him.

4. The pain made him long for oblivion.

5. Had you known him long... before you posed for him... the first time?

6. He showed him favor by having a beautiful long coat made for him.

7. She couldn't stay angry with him for long.

8. Long enough for him to get from the light stanchion to where you saw him.

9. We have to shake him for a long while to rouse him from his sleep.

10. I couldn't be mad at him for too long.

11. Words, for so long his friends, now mocked him.

12. 10 I waited a long time for him to return.

13. It's disgraceful that they have detained him for so long.

14. He had a long memory for people who had disappointed him.

15. His mother yap ped at him for staying away so long.

16. Solo longed to learn more about his parents, but Shrike kept all information from him.

17. Instead of thanking him for his kind and selfless deed... they sentenced him to twenty long years in prison.

18. It would be unkind to keep him in suspense for too long.

19. Eleanor was annoyed at having had to wait so long for him.

20. He's been teaching for so long that it's second nature to him.

21. It is vexing to have to wait a long time for him.

22. 7 I heard about him long before I saw him.

23. It took him long enough.

24. I take Long Boret's hands and tell him what a brave thing he has done for his country and that I admire him for it.

25. He longed for Pat to phone.